Really happening ^^
Once y0u wake up surely come and see my blog and tagged Hahaa.. xD
ii knew it!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to HUIRU<3 She's my Lovely Mei adopt her ever since when we are know each other from primary school till now unbelievable right xD
Last week Sat went to china town thai disco celebrate WeiYi last day.
They already open 3 bottle and finish up.
Around 10 people.
He going navy trip for 5weeks then come back.
Quite a lot of our friends going there xD
Xin Hui also down there too. O_O So surprising!
She accompany him as Part-time gf.
Then thai disco finish around 4am then we decide go Boat Quey there and drink.
The Pub name is "Up Bar"
Once ii reached BQ then went to Huiru(Mei) table.
I open one bottle for her.
But ii reached there already left 2 cup for me -_-"
Because ii went to thai disco and ask her open mine when she with her friends going finish 2nd bottle -_-"
After finish 3rd bot then look f0r Ah Huat they all.
When ii walk inside the Up bar already saw Bear, Terrence, Derek they all & my past friends also.
Hao tan, Kui Wei, Murphy they all OMG~
Then drink & drink going cannot make it soon.
After that quite a lot of people drunk & almost get fight each other.
Lucky ii down there help. Or else they going lockup soon -_-"
Haiz. Too many things happened on Sat!
After things settle then accompany Alex, Ah Dai & Kitty.
We sit Alex car then go eat supper.
After supper then went kitty house and take cloths -_-"
After that went back to BQ find Derrick.
He kana Pang Seh xD
Then~~ Blah Blah Blah till reached tampines.
But me and Derrick go WeiYi house there and find him.
WeiYi packed his thing going off soon.
I accompany him to call cab xD
I s0 WuXim hor??
Then quickly walk back home then quickly bathe and sleep xD
Afternoon going meet my dearest darling ^^
She called me once then ii awake O.O
Then Quickly bathe and change and meeting her at Tampines 1
She take cab from Woodland to Tampines cost her $17++ because of me. WOW! <3
Then we go Tampines 1 Hong Kong Kim Garry had our lunch ^^
I treat her eat! ^^
After that she accompany me go my working place meeting dew.
After meeting each other at mart then they start to play L4D.
My darling 1st time in LAN shop play L4D haha.
She don't play game. That's why she so no0bz.. Opss =x
Then she evening time wanna meet up with lynn.
Around 6.30pm.
But she turn down Lynn =x
Because she wanna accompany me so will stay very late. From 5pm+ to 9pm+
Then accompany her to call cab. She morning got work so asking her back home early :)
Nothing much update le..
ii will missy0u deeply ><
Take Care and rest early. Once y0u leave house give me a call ok :)
i'm outside with huat now.
Missya and <3 Love ^^
This pictuer nice ii give rate *4/5*
My Lovely Darling & Dewny Nu Er
Do we look like couple?
Papa & Nu Er both act cute!
Actually i'm not looking at her!
Stupid RONSON doing something on my back wanted to turn my head looking at him >.<
She was concentrating play her L4D.
So ii nothing to do then take picture back and front.
The front one picture look very serious, but she ask me not to put inside blog.
So ii keep the picture inside my handphone xD
Here are my MeiMei friends :)
Some ii know. Some ii don't know xD
What the hell~ Behide people pointing middle finger on Darren!

My Lovely HuiRu(Mei) and that Me o.O"

She thought ii was drunk.
So she take one picture from me ^^

Finally finish update my blog ^^
If not darling will say me bo xim didn't update!
Miss y0u darling take care and sweet dream.
Muack! Hopefully give me a chance to take care 0f y0u ^^
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