Sat 12/09/09
ii today went to buy phone C902 back~
Cost me $315 very cheap f0r me haha..
after work went to PH again ^^,
ii meeting my Esther Mei at PH there.
She been waiting f0r me so long because ii after work then cab down.
Sorry Mei~
She bring along their friends go. Around 5person -_-"
So they have to wait for me come then can bring 3person in.
Around 1.45am still got lots of people queing up cover charge fees and re-entry.
Lucky ii don't need to que-up just go by guest list can le haha~
ii wanted to treat bouncer to drink alcohol~
but he reject me!!!
What the hell~!!!
Bouncer(Ah Pai) & (Dino) say : if ii treat them drink will ban by them!
o.O" so good don't need me treat them haha xD
save money LoL~
Just make another new friend ^^
She took my number then awhile more find me for drink ^^
Her name Dela. Pretty Babe!
Congrate to ALVIN! y0u finally O.R.D Loh!!
ii been waiting f0r you so long and y0u finally finish y0ur NS.
tonitez he open bottle and treat us drink ^^
ii also treat him drink flaming lambo and ii treat Dela too~
Alvin almost there but he still awake and high only.
He still havent down yet~ Good drinker hmmMm...
Dela~ Tsk tsk tsk.. High already going down soon lucky got me take care of her.
Esther~ Tsk tsk tsk.. say wanna find me.. In the end..
"Ren bu zi dao pao chi na li"
Tonitez ii saw quite a lot of people in PH.
Me saw "Shulin,Bevan,Lionel,MC,Serene,Michael,Alex Guy,Alex,Doris,Caslyn,Rannie,Johnathan,Richeal,Lince,Christine,Christopher,LiLi & lots"
Whats happening down there?
But ii really quite enjoying with them and happy ^^
Dance with Dela and taking care of her.
After lights on then accompany Dela waiting friend to fetch her.
She totally drunk le~ Me too~
But ii still can tahan awhile till her friend come.
Me tonight spend le $500+
nothing much Haha xD
Cab PH already $25
Cab home already $24
every SAT will like this to spend.
Alcohol treat them to drink.
For myself ii spend less -_-"
Every days one packet Cigarette.
Every days eat,drink and play.
Like the money cannot spend finish.
Every months contribute family members $500.
Still got enough f0r myself.
Every months will going to reach 2k.
Why my live so hard?
Every days slept only 5 hours.
Tsk tsk tsk.. Nvm..
ii shell post another day ^^ Miss My PH friends.
Friday, 11/09/09
Friday is my off day~ ^^,
Meet up Alan(Maple) at PS.
Transfer $210 = 2B mesos (Maple)
Play maple awhile then kana scam by people 30m sad >.<"
We play 5.30pm - 8.30pm = $5
Alan suggest wanna go watch Gamer show.
but ii turn him down.
Because ii have to went down my grand mother house and eat.
Reached around 10pm at my PohPoh house.
After ate dinner then went to mart find Ah Huat they all.
Watch Gamer at Ehub.
Starting the show complicated!
until the last part then ii understanding.

Rate 2/5* (M18)
Not really nice~
Please don't watch..
After show then all go home.
Wanted to use computers but my elder brother go and use it.
So ii change shirt then go out meet my friends.
left home 4.30am
Go Cyber ERA play maple & dota~
Play till 11am.
Go home rest awhile then go work
nothing much update.
Take care everyone :)
ii today went to buy phone C902 back~
Cost me $315 very cheap f0r me haha..
after work went to PH again ^^,
ii meeting my Esther Mei at PH there.
She been waiting f0r me so long because ii after work then cab down.
Sorry Mei~
She bring along their friends go. Around 5person -_-"
So they have to wait for me come then can bring 3person in.
Around 1.45am still got lots of people queing up cover charge fees and re-entry.
Lucky ii don't need to que-up just go by guest list can le haha~
ii wanted to treat bouncer to drink alcohol~
but he reject me!!!
What the hell~!!!
Bouncer(Ah Pai) & (Dino) say : if ii treat them drink will ban by them!
o.O" so good don't need me treat them haha xD
save money LoL~
Just make another new friend ^^
She took my number then awhile more find me for drink ^^
Her name Dela. Pretty Babe!
Congrate to ALVIN! y0u finally O.R.D Loh!!
ii been waiting f0r you so long and y0u finally finish y0ur NS.
tonitez he open bottle and treat us drink ^^
ii also treat him drink flaming lambo and ii treat Dela too~
Alvin almost there but he still awake and high only.
He still havent down yet~ Good drinker hmmMm...
Dela~ Tsk tsk tsk.. High already going down soon lucky got me take care of her.
Esther~ Tsk tsk tsk.. say wanna find me.. In the end..
"Ren bu zi dao pao chi na li"
Tonitez ii saw quite a lot of people in PH.
Me saw "Shulin,Bevan,Lionel,MC,Serene,Michael,Alex Guy,Alex,Doris,Caslyn,Rannie,Johnathan,Richeal,Lince,Christine,Christopher,LiLi & lots"
Whats happening down there?
But ii really quite enjoying with them and happy ^^
Dance with Dela and taking care of her.
After lights on then accompany Dela waiting friend to fetch her.
She totally drunk le~ Me too~
But ii still can tahan awhile till her friend come.
Me tonight spend le $500+
nothing much Haha xD
Cab PH already $25
Cab home already $24
every SAT will like this to spend.
Alcohol treat them to drink.
For myself ii spend less -_-"
Every days one packet Cigarette.
Every days eat,drink and play.
Like the money cannot spend finish.
Every months contribute family members $500.
Still got enough f0r myself.
Every months will going to reach 2k.
Why my live so hard?
Every days slept only 5 hours.
Tsk tsk tsk.. Nvm..
ii shell post another day ^^ Miss My PH friends.
Friday, 11/09/09
Friday is my off day~ ^^,
Meet up Alan(Maple) at PS.
Transfer $210 = 2B mesos (Maple)
Play maple awhile then kana scam by people 30m sad >.<"
We play 5.30pm - 8.30pm = $5
Alan suggest wanna go watch Gamer show.
but ii turn him down.
Because ii have to went down my grand mother house and eat.
Reached around 10pm at my PohPoh house.
After ate dinner then went to mart find Ah Huat they all.
Watch Gamer at Ehub.
Starting the show complicated!
until the last part then ii understanding.

Rate 2/5* (M18)
Not really nice~
Please don't watch..
After show then all go home.
Wanted to use computers but my elder brother go and use it.
So ii change shirt then go out meet my friends.
left home 4.30am
Go Cyber ERA play maple & dota~
Play till 11am.
Go home rest awhile then go work
nothing much update.
Take care everyone :)
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