Evening night time meet up with Doris & Michael at Hougang MRT station.
I late about 10min & Doris complaining that their two train has left =x
When the train come and get inside sit, Me & Michael keep disturbing Doris. lol
Reached to Habourfront Station around 30min then slowly walk to St.James there.
Doris complaining xxxxx to me =x (Cant say out if not ii get kill by her)
Michael sign both of us in because got guest list.
Inside very boring and ii don't know what am ii doing. sianz
Then Doris msg me that she saw her MR.A at PH~ lol
Amber 12am+ msg me her new number.
ii think is prepaid card because she don't wanna let her Bf know.
Keep sms-ing her until she fall alseep then ii start to drink with them.
Damn~ they treat me all nic.
but haven't drunk yet =P
Nothing much update inside but ii take lots of video and put inside the facebook.
After song ends and all the guys went to Vivo MAC there eat breakfast.
Alex guy already down! he sleep on the table and Daniel go disturb him.
I take video on Daniel what he done to Doris Korkor(Alex)
After breakfast then take cab home.
1st Send Alex Goh.(Lanvander)
2nd Send Daniel.(Adjunied)
3rd Send Me. (Tampines)
Last is Alvin. (Pasir ris)
Home Sweet Home.
Take a bathe and K.O! damn sleepy.

People say house rider, but look at Jeremy? Human raider.? LOLx

Party People! Yeah~ say Chees :D

People left the food on table and what Daniel doing.? Yucks

15/05/09(Friday)ORD Dinner/Dlb O
Last friday having ORD dinner at Roland Restaurant at park way there near popular.
The food is nice and taking picture lots =x
Some more got game event and ii took some video down there.
They hire two babes dancing on the stage. =X
After dinner and planing where should we go? Dlb O/Future/PH?
All make decision at dlb o. So ii share cab with my camp mates go down dlbo.
Just nice Doris on her way down to dlb o too with Alex Idea & Sebastian.
What a coincidence~
Went inside dlb o and saw some of my friends down there.
KenKen,Shu ling,Ferlyn etc one table.
Yong Teck & some other friends one table.
Lake,Sonic etc one table.
My camp mates etc table.
Doris,Alex,Sebastian,Michael etc..
Lots of my friends down there and saw Ernie too!
Just walk pass Ken & he treat me one cup.
Lake table there treat me drink.
Shuling ask me to treat Ferlyn flaming lambo.
Sorry arh, ii didnt bring much cash.
Next month ii get my pay then treat her drink bah =X
I go bar tender with Sebastain buy drink. "Bomb Shell"
After drink walk to dance floor and dance. I stand on podium dance after that Shuling & Ferlyn come out dancing.
Shuling drunk again -_-"
She always like that~ drunk le still dont wanna control her limit. lol
Dlb O end around 3am.
After that Me,Doris,Alex Goh,Alex guy,Alex Idea,Sky,Michael etc went over to Kallang Mac there eat.
Eat until 4am+ then share cab home.
Reached home around 5am.
Open my computer and saw my com has been lock by my brother. damn cb!!!
Take a bathe and went to sleep.

Cpt Xu,Enchit & 2Sgt Chew.

Me & 2Sgt Cray

Singh, Me & Wei Yaong

2Sgt Tiger, Me & Singh! :)

Yan Zai, Yao Bin & Me! :)

Lindi & Yan Zai! :) Miss them much T.T

This three guys very extra :P act one post~

My Last time ex Commander :) " Hidayat,Raymond & Yan Zhang"

Leon, Me & Hao Yang! :) Miss both of them! :(

Eugene, Me & Parrison! :D

Lta Jason & Me. My officer! ;0

Tim,Benjamin,Ben & Me! got one extra behide do somthing our back =S


Me, Zhi Hao & John

Four Commanders~!

Ah Be & Me! Hi Mr.Sexy Gay =x haha

Alex Idea drunk and sleep inside MAC~ lol

Smokers Me & Sebastian

Shuling already high and shouting where is KEN! lol Thanks Ferlyn taking picture =x

No one harm my brothers :)

Me and Kit :)

Me and Ernie :)

Let's drink~ ^^

Sonic, Me & Yong Kai

Lake & Me! :) He already high =x

2Sgt Huat & Me! :)

Benny & Me! :)

Me & Yong Teck! :)
Labels: So late update because my elder brother lock the computer. so ii cant update